Gilbert Allen
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1. I consider myself li ing
in po etry at the present time.
2. I ha e ne er really
known po etry.
3. There is less extreme po etry in Ireland
than in the United States.
4. There is more po etry in Las egas
than in Chicago.
5. Po etry is an unnecessary by-product
of a post-industrial society.
6. With the right leadership, the federal go ernment
could eradicate po etry.
7. I think about the degradation of po etry
at least once e ery day.
8. People who experience po etry
ha e only themsel es to blame.
9. Women and small children are more likely
to li e in po etry.
10. The po etry line
is a myth.
11. Contrary to popular opinion, po etry
does not preclude happiness.
12. Po etry will disappear
in my lifetime.